Thursday, 14 April 2011

Sustainability in Leeds

I was reading yesterday the guest blog by Paul Thomas for the Guardian Leeds. The title of which is "Does Leeds want to become a sustainable City". The blog by Paul and the comments following were very interesting reading.

Apparently sustainability is not the way forward in Paul's mind and for other people it absolutely is, we need to be greener, leaner and manage our resources better. However this led me back to my overriding issue with the word sustainability. Whilst I think the word is valuable the use of the word isn't valuable at all.

Having done a quick dictionary search on the meaning of sustainability, it is clear that most people have got it all wrong. It doesn't mean hand made jumpers, beards and long hair. It doesn't mean wind turbines, cycling to work and communal living either. Sustainability derives form sustain, to hold up, to provide, to support.

With this piece of insight why would anybody not want a sustainable society? One where communities support each other. Where food, housing and transport needs are met for all. Does this sound like a society restricted from growth or consumption? No, it is purely a society that sustains itself.

Should Leeds be a sustainable city? Yes, undoubtedly. For the benefit of its citizens it should be sustainable. Now we can talk about how, but I think the bigger question is whether Leeds can be a sustainable City? More importantly does it have it in it to break some barriers and be different?

1 comment:

  1. And it will take people like us to break down those barriers and make stuff happen!
